
Time can be a wonderful thing..

It’s hard to keep things positive all the time, right?

There are people in the blogging community that amaze me with their bravery regarding some of the things they go through/write about. They want to help others by writing about their situations, I guess that’s what I want to try and do today.

There are things in life that overtake your mind/body and positivity can seem like a distant memory. I very recently reached a point where this was the case. You know when everything gets too much and you try to write a great blog post, you try to get out the house, you try to smile but it isn’t happening.

Following a small car accident (well what I thought was small) I have been out of my house just 4 times in over 3 weeks due to serious whiplash and concussion resulting in a lot of pain and crippling headaches. Up until now I’ve been really on top of it and haven’t let it get me down, last week it even felt like I was on the mend. Then some tablets I was on ran out and I was back to square one. There’s only so much a person can take. Being signed off uni, struggling to concentrate on any kind of computer work, worrying about missing important stuff about upcoming exams. The list is endless and the amount of stress this results in will hinder any kind of recovery, especially when it involves chronic headaches.

On top of everything some very sad news was received this morning which made me write this post. It feels like it’s just one thing after another and positivity is never going to return.

We’re a society where we don’t want to be seen as being sad or that we’re wallowing. We try and carry on, even if it’s making things worse. I’ve realised it’s not wallowing, it’s necessary. Taking time to be sad, to be quietly angry that it feels like nothing is going right, to realise you’re not just feeling sorry for yourself you’re just trying to recover. Ploughing on doesn’t always resolve things, I understand that for some it does, but sometimes time is all that is needed. Everyone is allowed to deal with whatever they’re going through in any way they need to. There is no right or wrong. If you’re having a tough time and need a few days, then that’s okay. If you’re having a tough time but want to keep busy and carry on, then that’s okay too.

Writing this I’ve realised it’s not that positivity is NEVER going to return, it will. For me, it’s just that the positivity may need a little time to return on this occasion, which I’ve come to realise is okay!

I hope you’re all well out there in the blogging world! But if you are going through a rough patch I hope you take something from this post and know that whether it’s a couple of days on the sofa or carrying on as normal, you’re doing it right!

Positivity will soon be back on my side, I’m sure of it! When it is I will certainly be back with my usual chirpy posts!

23 thoughts on “Time can be a wonderful thing..

  1. Thankyou! I needed this so badly right now, I feel like I keep trying to stay positive (and good things are happening) but the bad things seem to take over and today’s been one of those days where I. Just. Can’t.
    Stay positive my lovely x x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Staying positive in this world takes hard work sometimes, but it’s worth it. Sometimes though you just can’t wait for time to come and save you. You have to reach out and look for the positivity yourself and grab it. These are tough times for positive people. – Robert

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely post babe πŸ’•
    Your positivity will 100% return! Sometimes it just takes a little longer and a little more hard work but keep your chin up, keep smiling and keep looking forward πŸ’•
    Hope you start to feel better soon after your accident πŸ’•

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you beautiful, it means a lot! πŸ’•
      Yeah we all get bad days, they will be over eventually! Definitely trying my hardest to keep as upbeat as possible!
      Thank you so much (so do I haha it’s horrible!) πŸ’• xxxx


  4. Sometimes recognising what we need to get out of our β€˜down mood’ is the hardest part! Once you’ve done that, you’re on the road to positivity again. Sorry you had some sad news, always around if you wanna have a moan or a chat 😘 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had some bad news this morning. Positivity will return to your life I’m sure. The cheesiest quote ever but it’s quite true: β€˜you can’t have rainbows without a little rain’ / Anna x (one half of the Cinnamonbuns and Roses blog)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s impossible to stay positive all the time. Everyone goes through rough patches in their lives but as the saying goes β€˜Embrace the struggle and let it make you stronger. It won’t last forever’
    I hope you recover quickly and that you find positivity back in your life soon! Keep your chin up and take as long as you need for yourself. πŸ’•

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I felt everything you was saying on this post! It’s not easy being positive all the time, that’s for sure. You’re allowed to feel sadness. It’s okay, you’re human πŸ˜‰ Sometimes, even the strongest people get weak and need encouragement. Happy Women’s Day you beautiful soul !! Thanks for checking out my post πŸ™‚

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    1. Thank you so much! I completely agree, we’re all only human at the end of the day! These things happen sometimes, we’ll come out the other side eventually! 😊
      Happy International Womens Day to you as well for yesterday beaut! 😘 x


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