
Sunshine Blogger Award Round Two..

So many wonderfully lovely bloggers have nominated me for awards throughout March and I’ve got a little behind on them due to health issues! I love answering peoples questions and as I was nominated again today (and desperately needed an excuse to stop doing uni work!), I thought I’d crack on with one! So here goes..!

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine blogger award by three more fab bloggers, thank you so much to all three ladies!

Firstly, Polly! She’s one of the first bloggers I came across and is quite honestly one of the loveliest people ever to chat with! She really takes interest in what other bloggers write and what they have to say! Not to mention her own brilliant blog, pop on over and say hello, you wont regret it! ❤

Second up is Claudia! You are never short of something to read with this lady, she posts basically every day, sometimes more than once a day! And cracking posts they are too! If you need to know anything about beauty or fashion, this is the place to go, Claudia gives some great advice! So go on over and show some love! ❤

Finally is Alexs! I’m so pleased I came across this ladies blog! When it pops up on twitter that shes posted something, im straight on that link to read it! She is so lovely, her posts are so down to earth and don’t even get me started on the beautiful photos she posts! If you want to read some posts about some beautiful places to visit/walk/hike/cycle, this is your girl! So go on over and get reading! ❤

Pollys questions:

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

I would be a bird. All day! I’m sure everyone knows my obsession with birds but its not just because I love them. They’re just so free, I’d love to be able to fly high up in the sky on a beautiful summers day!

What would be your dream job?

Something in Avian conservation!

What is your staple make up product that you always re-purchase?

Body Shop foundation

What is your blogging goal?

To keep people reading! I don’t set myself any ‘number’ goals, of course I get excited when I get new followers, who doesn’t?! But I don’t set myself number goals and I don’t plan on doing so either. I just hope that people continue to enjoy what I write!

Tea or Coffee?

Used to be coffee, in the last year though tea!

What is your favourite season and why?

I find this question so hard! Autumn I think, its always an exciting time of year in our family and the colours are beautiful!

What has been your biggest life lesson so far?

To leave behind people that don’t matter and put my energy into those that do ❤

What is your biggest fear?

Being without my mum.

If you were a disney character, who would you be and why?

Tigger. Is there anyone happier!? I mean really?! He is just too fabulous for words! Always cheering his mates up, jumping around everywhere!

If you were deserted on an island – what would you take and why?

My mum! If all else fails, at least i’ll have her with me ❤

Who is your favourite blogger?

This is an impossible question! I love so many bloggers I couldn’t pick a favourite!

Claudias questions:

If you could choose your own nickname, what would it be?

I already have a nickname I love, my auntie calls me Waylee, always has done! No idea why I love it, I guess because its associated with her ❤

When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

Speak to my mum. Its always good to chat if you’re feeling down or if you’ve had a crappy day! My mum is always so good at listening and always makes me feel better, shes my first port of call every time.

Using one word, how would you describe your family?


What is your favorite movie quote?

‘Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see’

What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

I watched Blair Witch Project for the first time when I was an early teen, it terrified me because I thought the footage was real!

What fictional character do you wish you could meet?

Gandalf. I bet hes an interesting chap to have a chat with!

Would you rather spend five days exploring Disney or New York City?

Oh god thats such a hard decision! Disney, no New York, no Disney, no New York! Ahhhhhhh. New York!

What is your favorite thing about the beach?

I’m an awful beach goer, sand does my head in, it gets bloody everywhere! However, you can’t beat a beautiful sunset over the sea!

What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?

Coco Chanel!

What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?

Hairdryers. My hair is a nightmare without one!

Name a product or service you love so much that you’d happily be that company’s spokesperson

I don’t really think there’s one product or service I love THAT much! If there is I cant think of it (sorry!)

Alexs’s questions:

What makes you happiest?

When all my family are together!

If you could go back 5 years and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Leave where you’re at, stop trying to keep other people happy and do what is going to make you happy! (Thankfully a year later I did actually follow this advice!)

Who inspires you daily?

My mum! She’s so hard working, always stay positive and has to put up with me and my stepdad! She’s a totally top bird.

What’s your favourite joke?

Sarah Millican: “Somebody said recently ‘Are you pregnant?’ I said: ‘Not unless I’ve been sh**ged by Mr Kipling’.” I cracked up when I first saw it on tv and it always sticks in my mind!

If gravy no longer existed, what would you have with your steak pie? Tomato sauce or Mayo?

Tomato sauce. Although it would never be steak, chicken all day!

What is your favourite quote?

‘Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem’ A.A. Milne.

What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone?

One thing I always make sure I do is sponsor people when they are doing something for a good cause or if they are fundraising for something important, whether I know them or not.

What is the nicest thing someone’s ever done for you?

My mum and stepdad being there for me through the roughest part of my life when I was extremely poorly in my teens. Just knowing they were there no matter what was all I needed.

I woke up this morning and thought…

That was a bad nights sleep!

??? for President

Louis Theroux!

Something you really love about yourself is…

My eyes

I didn’t do a sunshine blogger all that long ago and lots of people I would nominate I’ve already nominated or they’ve done one recently! So I’m just going to answer the questions I was given and leave the nominations and new questions this time! Thanks again for the nominations from the three lovely bloggers, make sure you go check their blogs out! ❤

Until next time..

14 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award Round Two..

  1. Congratulations! (I know I’m late to the party on this one) I’ve been dying for the time to read this post, you never fail to get a chuckle out of me 😂 x x

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